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Breathing Techniques

Breathing is something many of us take for granted. It is done without much thought, but it is still extremely important.

Breathing supplies our bodies with oxygen, as well as ridding the body of waste products.

Did You Know?: Most people only use a third of our breathing capacity, and therefore, cannot breathe well.

Bad breathing can be caused by a lack of exercise, though this is not always the case. Some symptoms of poor breathing include:

  •  Holding our breath at times

  • – Feeling the need for a long breath

  • – Having a very short breath

  • – Running out of breath when running or exercising..

Improving our breathing can help us become healthier and stronger. It is a tool to ease stress and anxiety, clear our heads and can also help us when exercising. It's surprising how much breathing techniques can help. Try the exercises below to get into good breathing habits, that can be used whenever you need them!

Sound familiar?

Belly Breathing

Belly breathing is a simple technique that is great for relaxing. This basic exercise can be done anytime you're feeling stressed or need to relax. .

  1. Sit down or lie flat in a comfortable position.

  2. Place one hand on your belly just below your ribs, and place the other on your chest, just beneath your neck.

  3. Inhale deeply through your nose, and allow your belly push your hand out. Your chest should not move.

  4. Purse your lips and breathe out as if you were whistling. Feel the hand on your belly go in, and use it to push all the air out.

  5. Continue to practice this as many times as you want.  Take your time with each breath.

  6. Notice how you feel at the end of the exercise.

 Sama Vritti or “Equal Breathing”​

Balance is good for the body, and there's no better place to start than with breathing. This easy technique is especially effective before bed.

  1. Inhale through your nose for a count of four.

  2. Slowly exhale for a count of four. 

  3. Repeat this as many times as you like. Got that down? Aim for six counts, or even eight. That's it!

Lion's Breath

This exercise is great for calming, though it's probably one you'll want to do in private. On the sofa or in bed is a great spot to try this!

  1. Sit in a comfortable position. 

  2. Inhale deeply through your nose. Fill your lungs with as much air as possible.

  3. When you feel you can't inhale anymore, open your mouth as wide as possible. Breathe out with an "Ahh" sound.

  4. Repeat several times.

 Nadi Shodhana or "Alternate Nostril Breathing"

If you're looking for something a bit more challenging, give this a go. This technique is said to bring calm, and unite the right and left sides of the brain. Try this when you need to focus or need a boost of energy. Doing this before bed is not a good idea, as many find it makes them become more alert and awake.

  1. Start in a comfortable meditative pose. This could be in a chair, with your back straight and feet firmly on the floor, or sitting down with your legs crossed. Whatever it is, ensure you are comfortable and relaxed, with no tension in the body.

  2. Press the right thumb against the right nostril and inhale deeply through the left nostril.

  3. At the peak of the inhalation, block off the left nostril with your ring finger.

  4. Exhale through your right nostril. 

  5. Repeat, this time inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left.

  6. Continue to alternate and repeat as much as you want.

Breath of Fire

This technique takes a bit of practice to get right. It sounds complicated, but keep trying! This technique is said to be very warming.

  • The best position for this technique is sitting up straight and upright.

  • Begin by inhaling gently through your nose.

  • Quickly exhale by pumping out the air, pulling in our navel in short, rapid spurts.

  •  Each pull in exerts another exhale. Try to keep each breath even.

  • Repeat as many times as you like. If you're struggling, try an online tutorial.

Meditation through Breathing

If you have time to spare during the day, I would highly recommend this guided meditation. It focuses on breathing and breathing techniques, and is very effective in reducing stress.

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