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Hair Masks

Home made hair masks are a great way to keep hair healthy without paying money to go to a salon every week. Having healthy srong damage free hair is definatly a far off dream especiall for me recently I started reading up on diffrent ways using natural remedies to tame my frizzy mane. One of the things I did to help my hair is that I altered my shower routine by blasting my hair with cold water for about ten seconds at the end of my shower to reduce frizz and make hair shiny and soft. Im not saying have a cold shower,warm water gets rid of graese while cold water is great for locking in shine. When youre finished youre shower dry youre hair with a cotton t shirt. Towel drying youre hair is damaging and promotes frizz brushing also damages hair its better to use a comb. Before i dry my hair i put a pump of argan oil in my hand and rub it through my hair to make it smooth and soft. i also spritz my hair with heat protectant before blowdrying my hair with the cold button on my hairdryer.

Coconut Oil

This is the most simple homemade hair mask you can make. It only has one ingredient – coconut oil!


All you need for this is about a quarter of a cup of liquid coconut oil. Simply apply it to your wet hair and leave it in for at least an hour. Be warned coconut oil will stain your clothes, so I would suggest doing this either in the bath or in an old dressing gown- but wearing shower cap works just as well.


When you’re finished with your treatment, wash the coconut oil out of your hair and carry on as normal. 

Warning: coconut oil makes showers slippery, so be prepared to clean it up immediately.

Avocado and Egg Yolk

 Egg really is a great thing to put in your hair. For a moisturizing, restorative, make-it-shine homemade hair mask, mix it with some avocado!




  • ½ an avocado 

  • 2 egg yolks


Mix ingredients well. Apply to wet or dry hair and allow to sit for 15-20 minutes before rinsing and washing hair.

Honey Mask

Honey is very important in a homemade hair mask, especially if you have dry, dull hair. It has restorative properties that add moisture to lifeless hair, making it glowing and lustrous.




  •  tsp olive oil 

  • 1 Tbsp honey

  • ¼ cup yogurt

Mix the ingredients well. Apply to damp hair, and allow to sit for 15-20 minutes. Rinse and wash your hair, and allow to dry as normal.

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