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Its Time To Get Moving.

Whether your feeling down, having a hard day or stressed about something one of the best things to do to clear your head is to go outside for a walk or even a run, go to the gym or you could even do a workout at home which is very easy and costs nothing. Getting active is the best thing to do not only to distract yourself but also because its good for your mental and physical health.

Couch to 5k

Get off the couch and onto the road with the couch to 5k program for beginners.

You can get the official Couch to 5k app on your phoe and then its time to get started. It only takes 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week for 9 weeks and then you are 5K READY!!!! So get the app and get yourself off the couch and onto the road.

Quick 15 Minute Workout

Try this quick 15 minute workout at home with no equipment needed.

Quick Warmup: 30 jumping jacks, 20 high knees, 10 squats. Do this 3 times.

  1. 10 pushup shoulder taps

  2. 20 mountain climbers

  3. 10 jumping lungees

  4. 20 side lungees

  5. 10 jumping knee touches​                                                                        Take a one minute rest and then repeat this all 3 more times taking a minute rest between each.

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